Accommodation Airbnb Journal Malaysia ZoelieWho

Journal | Airbnb – Ceylonz: Tatami Style Studio at Level 12

Quite frankly, being stuck at home for over 2 years hasn’t helped much with my suppressed negative emotions. I needed to take a break and didn’t want to go anywhere further from my own home in case my cat needs me. So we stayed downtown, near the popular shopping malls to make things a lot more convenient whilst we run errands and complete tasks.

There were a couple of options but we didn’t want to think so much so we chose this listing and went ahead. It was also an earlier weekend celebration for my boyfriend’s birthday so we planned everything around there. Convenience is the most important key.

We were here for 4 days and 3 nights, Thursday to Sunday. On the night before we check in, our host,  Adrian, had sent us a welcome pack inclusive of pdfs that displays where and what to do. They show you where you need to go to do check-in, parking card validation, which place to get to the elevator, how to access the room, etc.

About Ceylonz

Ceylonz is a Serviced Apartment nearby the Petaling Street and Bukit Bintang area.

According to what I had heard from the staff, there are about 10 companies operating and managing Airbnb listings here. There are about 37 levels in this building with only 4 elevators (a huge downside) and there are paid parking lots here. I’m not entirely sure how their units work but the one I’m staying in is a unit split into two (Left room, Right room).  Each level has over 10 units, so there are possibly 20 rooms. 

There is a specific concierge counter for Airbnb check-in in the lobby and they are practically operating it as a hotel with room cleaners as well. You can check-in anytime between 3pm-10pm. The counter closes at 10pm.

I want to talk about the crowd + the elevators first. When I was there, it was peak season. You will see a bunch of people (no matter which hour) sitting at the lobby waiting to check-in or whatever else their reasons were. (Most of them were not Covid-smart so they will either simply wear their masks, have their feet on the seats, or just sleep on it. It was really messy.) If all of the units have 2 rooms and there are about 10 units per level, do the math for about 30 floors. Then, imagine how long you will need to wait for the elevator.

We waited at most for half an hour but some people complained that they’d waited for an hour and a half (from the 33rd floor). People would press both the Up button and the Down button to get into the lift. Many who are not Covid-smart would proceed to squeeze into the elevator despite breaking the SOP. 

The elevator connects from the Basement Parking and Elevated Parking to the Lobby, and to the living units. On top of that, the concierge told me that even though you parked at Lvl 1, you will still need to take the elevator. 

Parking is another pain in the butt. You will realize that there will be three levels for one floor, for example, Lower P1, P1, and Upper P1. There are 6 floors if not mistaken, and the turnings are really tight. In the words of my current boyfriend: “Don’t drive your expensive cars here, especially long sedans.” 

At some point, we did struggle to find parking because it was so limited and those big families would come by multiple cars. We remember seeing a couple of cars getting really pissed because they’ve gone for many rounds. At first, we had to go all the way to P6, but on our last night, we had to make one extra round to find parking.

This is a paid parking lot. If you are a guest-guest, you have to pay RM10 per hour. If you are staying here as a guest, you can get a flat rate of RM5 per entry (kind of a pain in the butt too). You need to validate the parking card every time before you leave the parking lot. The parking counter is open for 24 hours.

About the Suite

The room is the same as what they have shown in the pictures on Airbnb but it is a tad bit smaller than what we are expecting. However, it is still spacious enough for us since we are just here to take a break instead of foreigners coming to KL for a big shopping spree. We checked in during the nighttime after a whole day of running errands. Once we’re in the room, we checked every corner for any possible spy cams, but we didn’t find any, which is good.

Bed: The bed is a stiff bed (comfortable enough for me) and the pillows are very flat (kinda hurts my shoulder). The air-conditioner is cold enough and the bedsheets are warm enough. They are pretty clean but since it’s white, we do see some faint stains. The floor board creaks a bit but it’s fine.

Living Room: Since it’s on the floor, you’ll have to fold your legs all the time, it’s not entirely great for people with problematic backs. The ‘sofa’ is okay, TV is good enough, the table is stable, and the internet is fast enough. There is only one small dustbin by the door. 

Closet: The closet is spacious, enough to fit medium-sized luggage. There is an iron and ironing board for you. The hairdryer is in it too.

Kitchen: It has a mini-fridge and a microwave. The fridge is cold enough but I
 didn’t use the microwave. There are plates, bowls, cups, utensils, scissors, a knife, and dish soap within the cabinets. The ice tray is very small and you can’t buy ice in the convenience store within the building. There isn’t a nearby store that I felt safe enough to walk here.

Bathroom: They do provide towels and shower gels but I recommend bringing your own (toothbrush, toothpaste, towels, shower gel, hair shampoo, conditioners, etc) for hygienic purposes. It’s a wet toilet but the water is a bit weak so it doesn’t splash everywhere. Everything else was okay. Oh! It has a ventilator too. Great for frequent and heavy poopers. 

Here are some daytime photos. Honestly, this is a nice room to stay in for a quick break but not for the long term.

Although, there is a guy staying next door for the long term and since the walls are rather thin, we can hear him snore once every second. He wakes up super early like 5am during weekdays and 6am-8am during weekends. He also hyped up his morning by playing loud music on a Sunday morning, luckily it was our last day being there. We can also easily hear his coughs in the morning or the middle of the night.

That being said, be aware of your own noises too. Thuds can be easily heard, even normal TV sounds too. So, if you’re about to do anything funky, it’s best to wait for him to leave for work at 6am and before he comes back at 10pm. That is if he’s still staying there.

Here are some photos of the outside view. You can see the KL Tower and half of the Twin Tower. Opposite this building are some churches. Some people illegally park outside, it could be because they can’t find any parking inside. 

While we were here, the Tropical Depression hits the Peninsula of Malaysia and it rained for 24hours. We noticed the cloudy day the day before it happened. During the day itself, we were somehow lucky to be traveling to places that were not affected. I remember talking about the rain before we leave the building around 11am. Then, when catching up with my friends at Sri Petaling, we kept noticing that the rain didn’t stop until 4pm. After that, we went to a mall and got back to our Airbnb room. Around the time we leave the mall, we read news about the flood and tried to park in the upper levels but it was somewhat full at 9pm already.

From then on, everyone (who are not affected) became wary of leaving their houses as there are speculations that the flood may come back around Christmas time again.

We didn’t get to visit the other facilities because we were really busy outside of this building so we missed a lot of fun stuff like pocket gardens and infinity pool. So, our experiences are mainly within the room and the other general areas.

The Host, Adrian, is a nice guy. He entertained every text that I’ve sent in his way. He even replied to me quite early on Sunday morning too. Really nice and helpful guy. The staffs are helpful (ish) but they are very fast-paced.

The convenience store is small but it has almost anything you would wanna snack on. For adults, they are set with complete Durex products but also Durex products only. (Lots of people are saying that they are the cause of UTI.) But yeah, they have 2x spicy noodles in a cup, lots of snacks. No ice though, unfortunately.

So far, with Airbnb, I had a good time. The building though? Ugh. I recommend going there when there are lesser crowds during non-peak seasons.

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